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Nominado mejor diseño del mundo 2018 por la Foiling Week


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Mothquito foiling catamarán, la marca del foiling mas estable

Original and innovativeboat

Mothquito nominado mejor diseño 2018 Foiling Week
Mothquito, IFS foiling, sistema de foils, foils system, manga dinámica, foiling, foiler, foils v, V-foils, Valencia boat show, barco volador, fly catamaran



Mothquito is a foiling catamaran with a very original design created by Toni Blanc and specifically conceived for foiling, which has a surf-like glide hull and an innovative patented foil system that increases its stability and performance, the IFS or Increased Foiling System, a technology developed by the same designer.

Due to its uniqueness and the technology it incorporates, in 2018 it was nominated by Foiling Week as the best design in the world along with 5 other candidates: the Nautor's Club Swan 36, the Flyacht designed by Philippe Briand, the Nacra 15 FCS, the 10 Ft Pocket Foiler and the America's Cup AC75 who was the one who finally won the award.


Made of carbon fiber, the Mothquito is a catamaran with smooth and organic lines, with a sliding hull to facilitate a transition to fast and very stable flight by gliding, making it easy for any type of sailor.

Thanks to the increase in dynamic length, the crew member can change his location at his convenience without altering the flight angle. For example, by delaying the weight aft it is possible to minimize the risk of nailing the bow in the event of loss, favoring the rebound of the hull on the surface of the water with little loss of speed.

Its wide and clear deck, suitable for up to two crew, has different pads and bow / stern stops to support the feet in the maneuvers. It is completed with two large wings or lateral trampolines that allow to eliminate the traditional trapeziums and that each have a piano or operative center of clamps for the different maneuvers.

In the mast area, the deck is over raised and is where the halyards and turnouts are concentrated, as well as a clear place for a GPS, highly visible  from any point.


The Mothquito incorporates the IFS or Increased Foiling System technology, a system that increases the stability and performance of the boat by significantly increasing the length and dynamic beam.

To increase the dynamic beam, the Mothquito incorporates two outward facing V-foils with which the righting moment of the boat increases, increasing the transverse stability and reducing the heeling. Furthermore these V-Foils are capable of auto-regulating flight height automatically, without the need for dip sticks sensors, and flaps.
The V-foils have an adjustment system to regulate the angle of attack according to convenience, for example with little wind the angle of attack is increased to take off from 6 knots of speed.

To increase the dynamic length, take advantage of the forward position of the V-foils, and at the same time, by means of a system of extension arms, delay half the length plus the position of the rudder T-foils increasing the longitudinal distance between the support points or foils , that is, increasing the length in flight. This achieves a substantial improvement in dynamic seating and longitudinal stability in foiling mode. The two rudder T-foils also have an angle of attack regulator.

The Mothquito's four foils are made of carbon fiber and are retractable, being able to be fully hoisted for access to ramps or exits from the shore, or stall for convenience such as for learning at low altitudes.


Mothquito sistema de foils IFS, foils V, Vfoils, manga dinámica
The Mothquito admits different configurations depending on the wind conditions and number of crew.
Main sail: 12,7 m2
C0: 16 m2
J1: 4,8 m2 (optional self-tacking)
J2: 3 m2 (optional self-tacking)
Carbon mast: 7,5 m
Mothquito has a solid carbon bowsprit and two furlers to facilitate maneuvering with any configuration.
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Mothquito IFS foiling Race Catamarán, vela ligera con foils, el foiler español


Length: 3 m / 5,5 m
Beam: 1,8 / 4,8 m

Load draft: 1 m

Carbon hull weight: 40 Kg

Main sail: 12,7 m2

Code zero C0: 18 m2

J1: 4,8 m2 (optional self-tacking)

J2: 3 m2 (optional self-tacking)

Carbon mast: 7,5 m



Foils IFS: 2V + 2T (carbon)

2 Rudder extension arms with spoiler (carbon)

2 Wings (carbon) 

Bowsprit (carbon)


Diseño: Toni Blanc

IFS Foiling SL

Mothquito diseño visto desde arriba, Mothquito, IFS, foiling, foiler, foiling catamaran, foiler catamarán, foils, sailing, dinghy, sail foiling, fly catamaran, foiling boat, foiling week, ac75, imoca, moth, waszp, hydrofoil, ,

Mothquito IFS Foiling is a high performance catamaran foiler and at the same time easy to fly for any sailor, even without previous experience.


With Mothquito, if you can sail you already can fly.


That is why the Mothquito is defined within a new concept, the SIT & FLY, because it is the foiler that practically flies alone.


These specifications may vary until the end of the testing phase.

The exposed rules will not be final until the publication of the MOTHQUITO IFS FOILING CLASS Class Rules.

From Mothquito IFS Foiling, we want to express our gratitude to the Jávea Yacht Club for the Base that it provides us and for its total involvement in this pioneering project in Spain, as well as for its technical support and for the fantastic team of riders that it contributes to the conducting the tests. Thanks friends.

Also our thanks to both the Royal Spanish Sailing Federation (RFEV), and the Valencia Community Sailing Federation (FVCV), for the interest and support that both entities have shown from the first moment and that have greatly facilitated the development of the project.


Nor do we want to stop thanking all companies and brands for their collaboration in the development phase of the prototype of the first Spanish foiler monotype.

And how could it be less, special mention to our dear friends, a true luxury of "Wise Men Committee", friends and Riders of Team Mothquito who, thanks to their disinterested collaboration, helping us every day to get this exciting project on track.


Thanks to:

Manolo González Devesa, Manolo Ruiz de Elvira, Joan Vila, Alberto Blanc, Jordi Boronat, Chimo González Devesa, Carlos Torrado, Miguel Sánchez, Ben Morris, Ángel Palomar, Luis Nogueroles, Javier Poole, Rafa García Bartual, Arturo Miquel, Javier Momparler, Alex Hernández Rojas, Nacho Miñana, Juanjo, Kike Luján, Quicorras y Filippo, Ángel Bravo...  I'm sure we'll leave someone unnamed ... well, excuse us, thanks to you too.

Thank you all very much, all of you are authentic "Mothquiteers" 
All for one and one for all!


Toni Blanc, Wolfgang Habe, Mothquito, sistema de foils IFS, foiling system, foils en V, V-foils, foiling catamarán

Hands IFS  gesture.

Toni Blanc, creator of the IFS system and the Mothquito.

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